P32dasm.v2.6 Cracked

-+- P32Dasm 2.6 * Copyright (C) DARKER (SCF) 2oo9 -+-

P32Dasm is a VB PCode + Native code Decompiler. It can generate String, Numbers,
Objects, Import and Export function listing. There is also PCode Jump calculator.
You can set shortcut to your favorite hex editor for fast patching. I personally
prefer Hiew.

How to use it
Load file by pressing F1, from command line or Drag and Drop.

Tips & Tricks
– You can edit output by pressing button “Edit”. Now you can color interesting
sections, write yours comments, etc …
– For fast moving you can use Position manager. Set cursor to some position click
in Position manager to “Add” button and enter your description. Any time you
need fast jump to your location just doubleclick to your list.
– For VB Native code executables are generated only MSVBVM, External calls and
string references. Usefull for setting BPX, you don’t need search in debugger
where start some Command Button event etc …
– On BIG apps I don’t recommend use option “Use syntax highlight color” – it’s
slow, use normal mode
– If you still need syntax highlighting you can use included Syntax highlighting
for UltraEdit. Just add it to the end of original “wordfile.txt”.
– By some problems you can decompile only some parts with “Decompile from offset”
function. Experienced users only! or read below


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j2.10ga.cn 弹窗处理


昨天添加了个Flash MP3播放器的插件,今天打开网页的时候却发现时常蹦出一个认证窗口就是上面的东西。刚开始以为是插件的问题,结果吧插件文件都下载下来看了下没有那个链接。后来才发现是播放器播放到一条曲目时才会出现登陆窗口。但是自己添加歌曲时记得很清楚都是.mp3格式的。不可能会出现弹窗啊。后台打开设置页面访问那个mp3文件竟然能重定向,操了。把那条曲目删除问题就解决了。其实弹这个窗口完全不必要担心,大多是网站上的背景音乐文件问题,并非本机问题。如果访问其他的网站也有弹窗那就是自己的机器问题了。不同问题不同对待。呵呵。 laugh

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12月24日晚间消息,雨林木风工作室在宣布解散一年之后,雨林木风官方团队在平安夜发布了“Ylmf OS”开源操作系统。引人关注的是,雨林木风操作 系统界面与Windows XP非常类似。此外,雨林木风官方证实此前耗资10万美元购得的XP.com域名,有可能会用于该开源操作系统的发行宣传。截至发稿时止,XP.com域名已经指向雨林木风操作系统的发布页面www.ylmf.org。

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