
桌子上的两块显示器还是13年刚来青岛的时候买的显示器,已经伴随自己多年了。由于显示器一直使用没有什么问题,所以目前也没有换显示器的需求。等哪天有一个坏了,那就两个一块再换一个更大的。桌面上的两块安卓平板,一块是自己10年前买的第一代nexus 7,中间自己想换电池,结果把主板弄挂了,于是又买了一块主板,顺利的将16g的n7 升级成了32g的,虽然现在也没啥用了,目前,他的功能是一块钟表(运行的钟表app有点丑,谁有好看的可以给我推荐一下)另外一块是台电的平板,系统比较旧,但是可以长时间不息屏,于是现在用来链接控制智能家居的树莓派,用作远程显示器,桌子上的手机就无视掉吧。

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KU138爬虫 【22.05.23】【Windows】

spider -h <help> -a <all> -q <search>
         -a <download all site images>
         -q <query the image with keywords>
         -h <display help text, just this>
Option Arguments:
         -p <image download path>
         -r <random index category list>
         -c <single category url>
         -e <early stop, work in site crawl mode only>
         -s <site url eg: https://www.v2ph.com (no last backslash "/")>

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微图坊爬虫 【22.05.16】【Windows】


spider -h <help> -a <all> -q <search>
         -a <download all site images>
         -q <query the image with keywords>
         -h <display help text, just this>
Option Arguments:
         -p <image download path>
         -r <random index category list>
         -c <single category url>
         -e <early stop, work in site crawl mode only>
         -s <site url eg: https://www.v2ph.com (no last backslash "/")>

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Windows PowerShell
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尝试新的跨平台 PowerShell https://aka.ms/pscore6

无法加载文件 F:\Pycharm_Projects\meitulu-spider\venv\Scripts\activate.ps1,因为在此系统上禁止运行脚本。有关详细信息,请参阅 https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170 中的 about_Execution_Policies。
    + CategoryInfo          : SecurityError: (:) [],ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
PS F:\Pycharm_Projects\meitulu-spider>

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局域网助手Lanhelper 1.99【纯水】

局域网助手 LanHelper 专门为高效高速的局域网管理而设计,是一个强大的网络管理、扫描、监控软件。提供有详细实时的日志给网络管理员有助于发现和解决问题。LanHelper集成有大量管理功能,同时不需要额外安装任何服务端软件。


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MyLanViewer v5.3.0

MyLanViewer is a powerful network scanner and IP monitor for your home network. It displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy-list style window that provides the machine names, IP addresses, MAC addresses, shared resources and other technical details for each computer. It is able to monitor IP and show notifications when the states of some computers change. You can also view and access shared folders, terminate user sessions and disable shared resources. It’s easy to install and use, and has a user-friendly and beautiful interface.

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GiliSoft Video Editor 15.2.0 Patch

Gilisoft Video Editor is the powerful video editing software that allows you to edit video files in various formats like AVI, MPEG, H.264, SWF, MOV, WMV, etc. for playback on popular devices like iPod, iPhone, PSP, PS3, and so on.

As a video joiner, splitter and cutter, Gilisoft Video Editor has an intuitive interface and makes it easy to turn original videos into works of art.
And also you can watch the video in the preview window. The three processes, video join, split and cut, can run in background without too much space occupation.

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