Multimate Assembler v1.7.Plugin for OllyDbg and Immunity Debugger

MUltimate Assembler is a multiline (and ultimate) assembler (and
– To disassemble code, select it, and choose “MUltimate Assembler” from
the right click menu
– To assemble code, click the Assemble button in the assembler window

MUltimate Assembler v1.7

– MUltimate Assembler is a multiline (and ultimate) assembler (and
– To disassemble code, select it, and choose “MUltimate Assembler” from
the right click menu
– To assemble code, click the Assemble button in the assembler window

– You must define the address your code should be assembled on, like
this: <00401000>
– You can use any asm commands that OllyDbg can assemble
– You can use RVA (relative virtual) addressess with a module name,
like this: $module.1000 or $”module”.1000, or $$1000 to use the
module of the address definition (e.g. <$m.1000>PUSH $$3 is the same
as <$m.1000>PUSH $m.3)
– You can use labels, that must begin with a ‘@’, and contain only
letters, numbers, and _
– You can use anonymous labels, which are defined as ‘@@’ and are
referenced to as @b (or @r) for the preceding label and @f for the
following label
– You can use C-style strings for text and binary data (use the L prefix
for unicode)



	NOP ; This is a nop

	"Hello World!\0"
	; L"Hello World!\0" ; for unicode

	PUSH @str
	CALL @print_str


	RET 4 ; TODO: Write the function



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